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Frequently asked question

From the first day of establishment, the construction, application and maintenance of the effectiveness of the Safety – Quality – Environment Management System according to international standards in the activities of CNG Vietnam Joint Stock Company has always been a priority. one

Natural gas is mainly composed of methane (CH4) accounting for 85% and about 10% ethane (C2H6), the rest is a small amount of propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) and contains only one carbon atom, so when burned Natural gas emits 20% less CO2 and 50% less NOx than gasoline. This gas is a clean fuel and does not pollute the environment. Natural gas is difficult to burn and lighter than air, so it spreads quickly and rises high.

Compressed natural gas is a clean alternative to other types of energy. It is composed of clean compressed natural gas at a pressure of 3000 or 3600psi.

The main station shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the following standards:

  • ASME B31.8 Gas Transmissions and Distribution Piping Systems
  • ASME Sec.VIII, Division 2: Rules for construction of pressure vessels
  • API 618: Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas industry Services
  • AGA7, AGA 8: Association Gas of American
  • NFPA 52: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code, 2002 edition

Engineering Data Book

Norsok Standard

Gas Conditioning and Processing Vol. 1, Vol. 2

CNG Compressor Hose is designed and manufactured in line with seamless steel pipes under the standards 3AA and 3AAX – 3AAX -US DOT 49 CFR 178.37.

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